JOEL LEVIA Unplugged

How To Choose A Fitness Business Guru

Episode Summary

7 Steps to choosing the right fitness business coach, mentor or guru for you business...

Episode Notes

We're all familiar with the term "guru". It's what you call someone who has mastered their field. They are renowned for their wisdom, advice, and general awesomeness. At first glance, you may think they have no place in your business. But I would argue that everyone can benefit from a business guru, maybe even more so than other entrepreneurs (I'll touch on this point later). However, they're so many gurus out there with so much conflicting information... it can easily send a sane person insane :-)... but if you can take the time to look beyond the smoke you will see... you will see that they're no guru but sheep in wolf clothing... so, how can you know which is which... in the episode, you will discover how easy it is to filter out the real from the fake... Hope this episode helps you to make a wiser decision on choosing a fitness business Guru... Chat soon Your Homeboy Joel Levia